General terms
These general terms regulate use of and access to the website or internet service of EFIENER ENGINYERIA SLP (hereinafter "EFIENER") with registered office in C. General Prim, 3, 1r 1a, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), tax number B-64348667, registered in Barcelona, tome 39.038, sheet 202, page B 335981, 2nd inscription.
By using this website, the user fully accepts these terms and criteria which are permanently displayed on the website, the applicable version being that published and in force from time to time. The user is recommended to carefully read the terms and instructions displayed in the web pages every time the said pages are accessed, and to regularly reload the content of the cache memory of the user's computer so that all information downloaded is fully updated.
The main objective of this website is to provide information regarding EFIENER's activities, products, and services.
Terms of use
The user undertakes to use the content and services of this website in a suitable, proper and legal manner. The following are strictly prohibited: illegal, illicit activities or those not carried out in good faith and contrary to law and order; and, in general, all and any conduct which violate or are conducive to or may violate the respect for human dignity, and the principle of non-discrimination for reasons of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality or any other personal or social circumstance; those which are contrary to public health, consumers or users, or the protection of youth and children. Also prohibited is any activity aimed at impersonate any person or artificial person, or interfering, violating, altering or disconnecting the system, servers, networks or content together with any non-fulfilment of connection requisites.
EFIENER reserves the right to ban any user of this service without prior notice and to adopt any measures it deems fit from time to time, in order to prevent the behaviour and activities above-mentioned.
Intellectual and industrial property
Express notice is given that all the elements of this website are subject to intellectual or industrial property rights. The content, source codes, form, design and names of the products, applications, tools, pages, brands, commercial names, logotypes, and graphics, including the copyright, are the property of, have been assigned to or are under license to EFIENER, and therefore the authorship and right of use in all the extension of the term and in any form are protected by the applicable commercial code and criminal law. Any infringement of same, in addition to the appropriate monetary liabilities, will constitute an illicit or criminal activity.
For this reason, the user shall refrain from reproducing, adapting, combining or integrating into other applications, arranging or otherwise handling or transforming, and from publicly communicating or publishing the contents accessible via this website, unless same is expressly authorised by EFIENER. Even with EFIENER's authorisation, the user shall refrain from same via any procedures other than those specified and provided for in the user website, which users may not, under any circumstance, download, copy print or transfer the contents to any other medium with any alternation or modification of the content, in such a manner that same should omit, add, modify or in any way contradict the messages and information displayed and supplied via the website, as recorded on the system or in the computer records of EFIENER.
Privacy policy
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Data of Personal Nature and Guarantee of Digital Rights, EFIENER informs that the personal data provided to EFIENER by the user, through the website or any other means, will be entered into a file belonging to EFIENER, which guarantees the security and confidentiality of the said data.
EFIENER gathers users' personal data in order to provide the services offered in the website and prepare user profiles to improve and customise these services for commercial, advertising and training purposes.
The users may exercise their rights to opposition, access, rectification and deletion of the data as set out in the LOPDGDD sending their written request to LOPD-EFIENER, address C. General Prim, 3, 1r 1a, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), including evidence of your identity and detailing the right or rights you want to exercise.